Noticias Libertárias

Noticias Libertárias:***06/07/2014 - Divulgado a Sentença dxs Presxs Anarquistas do Chile no Caso Security***04/07/2014 - Batucada Contra a Copa no dia da Dependência da Bahia***26/06/2014 - Ensaio do Bloco de Percussão Anarquista em Salvador/BA***25/06/2014 - #3 Rádio Cordel vai a Campo: Especial II Feira Libertária do Seridó***21/06/2014 - A Repressão Policial e o Silêncio das Mídias como Estratégia de Desmobilização***18/06/2014 - Comunicado da Rádio Cordel Libertário***18/06/2014 - Chamado para a Construção do Bloco de Percussão Anarquista em Salvador/BA***15/06/2014 - Relato sobre o Protesto de 13/06 em Salvador/BA***14/06/2014 - Página da Cobertura da Cordel "Todxs Contra a Copa"***12/06/2014 - Não Haverá Transmissão Ao Vivo essa Semana***03/06/2014 - 05/06 - 21:10 - Presxs Anarquistas II***27/05/2014 - 29/05 - 21:10 - Anarkafeminista Hoje I***21/05/2014 - Bate Papo A Crise na Perspectiva Libertária***21/05/2014 - 22/05 - 21:10 - Vivências na Escuelita Zapatista ***13/05/2014 - 15/05 - 21:10 - Rádio Cordel Direto***06/05/2014 - 08/05 - 21:10 - CMI no Brasil ao vivo na Cordel***27/04/2014 - 01/05-21:10- 1º de Maio Anarquista na Cordel***15/03/2014 - 20/03 - 21:10 -"Estratégia Financeira para Anarquista" AO VIVO na Cordel‏** 19/03/2014 - 13/03-QUINTA-FEIRA- às 21:10 : "TODXS CONTRA A COPA" Ao Vivo na Rádio Cordel Libertário***27/11/2013 - Programa Rádio Cordel Vai a Campo #2 : Especial 4º Feira Anarquista de SP.***16/08/13 - [Campina Grande/PB] Intervenções Marginais Agosto 2013***16/08/13 - [Natal/RN] Jornadas Libertárias***16/08/13 - [Contagem/MG] Encontro Libertário Terra Preta***15/08/13 - [São Paulo/SP] 2º Festival do Filme Anarquista e Punk de SP***15/08/13 - [Recife/PE] 1º Feira de Cultura Libertária de Recife***12/08/2013 - [Espanha] Após 8 dias, chega ao fim a marcha desobediente contra o TAV***09/08/2013 - [EUA] Centro Social Gato Selvagem de Seattle fecha suas portas***09/08/13 - [Grécia] Sobre o desalojo das 3 okupas em Patras***08/08/2013 - [México] Lançamento: “Práticas libertárias e movimentos anticapitalistas”***08/08/2013 - [Espanha] Galícia: Manifestação contra touradas em Corunha reúne cerca de 2000 pessoas***07/08/2013 - [Alemanha] Ataque solidário contra a empresa ThyssenKrupp em Hamburgo***07/08/2013 - [Austrália] 3ª Feira do Livro Anarquista de Melbourne acontece neste sábado***06/08/2013 - Lançamento de documentário sobre a ocupação do Parque Gezi e o seu despejo violento***06/08/2013 - [França] Em Toulouse, autoridades despejam dois squatters***06/08/2013 - [Ucrânia] Relato do Acampamento Anarcofeminista Good Night Macho Pride 2013***06/08/2013 - [EUA] Entrevista a Mumia Abu-Jamal sobre a música negra***05/08/2013 - [Grécia] Forças de segurança desalojam 3 espaços okupados em Patras***03/08/2013 - [EUA] Chamado para artistas: Exibição de Arte da Feira do Livro Anarquista de Nova Orleans***02/08/2013 - [Espanha] III Encontro Veganqueer ocorre nos próximos dias em Soria***02/08/2013 - [Polônia] Polícia desaloja brutalmente okupa em Cracóvia***01/08/2013 - [Chile] Santiago: Detida e processada Io Giuria, companheira encapuzada filmada lançando um coquetel molotov***01/08/2013 - [Alemanha] Havelberg: fogo na caserna militar!***01/08/2013 - [Suécia] Carta para Ações em Kallak Gállok, em Sapmi***31/07/2013 - [Chile] O companheiro Hans Niemeyer foi condenado a 5 anos de prisão***31/07/2013 - [Espanha] Novo curta-documentário: O cinema libertário, a revolução na sétima arte***31/07/2013 - [Grécia] Patras: confronto entre antifascistas e fascistas da Aurora Dourada; polícia detém 25 antifascistas em retaliação***30/07/2013 - [França] “Semana Pela Libertação Animal” em Notre Dame des Landes***30/07/2013 - [Rússia] Apoio para Irina Lipskaya, anarquista e antifascista presa em Moscou***30/07/2013 - [Grécia] Ataque fascista contra casa de imigrantes em Tavros***29/07/2013 - [Uruguai] 2ª Feira do Livro Anarquista acontece neste final de semana em Montevidéu***29/07/2013 - [Grécia] Segunda passeata antifascista de motos em Preveza***29/07/2013 - [Canadá] 8ª Feira do Livro Anarquista de Victoria e Festival da Anarquia***28/07/2013 - [Rússia] Centro Social Cultural inicia suas atividades em Sevastópol***27/07/2013 - [Itália] Milão: um espaço de extrema-direita queimado por audaciosos noctívagos***26/07/2013 - [Grécia] Fascistas picham muros de okupa em Atenas***26/07/2013 - [Canadá] Entrevista com Mel Bazil no 4º Acampamento Anual de Unis'tot'em de Ação***26/07/2013 - [Tunísia] Anarcofeministas são presas após pichar Ministério das Mulheres***25/07/2013 - [Espanha] Impressões de um andaluz sobre o movimento anarquista na Grécia***25/07/2013 - [Ucrânia] Ação Direta: Dois golfinhos são libertados do golfinário de Yevpatoria***24/07/2013 - Enésima cara lavada do fascismo espanhol***24/07/2013 - [EUA] Anunciando a Turnê Anarquista de Abolição Penal***23/07/2013 - [EUA] A entrevista de Mumia Abu-Jamal que tentaram esconder***23/07/2013 - [Grécia] Em Exarchia, brutamontes da polícia dão início a motim atacando pessoas com garrafas de vidro, foguetes e bombas de efeito moral***22/07/2013 - [Grécia] Kalamata: manifestação antifascista e proibição de celebração de um festival neonazista***21/07/2013 - Anarquistas Palestinos em Conversação: Recalibrando o anarquismo em um país colonizado***20/07/2013 - [Chile] Documentário “Montagem: Caso Bombas”***20/07/2013 - [Grécia] Atualização sobre os dois anarquistas presos em Tessalônica***19/07/2013 - [Reino Unido] Fogo e barricadas durante a expulsão de squatters no bairro de Brixton, em Londres***18/07/2013 - "O fascismo mantêm uma presença muito alta na Alemanha"***17/07/2013 - [Argentina] Chamada para o V° Encontro Social desde abaixo e por fora do Estado***17/07/2013 - [Espanha] Burgos: V aniversário da Biblioteca Anarquista La Maldita***16/07/2013 - [Grécia] Liberdade para os Lobos do Norte***16/07/2013 - [França] 1993-2013: 20 anos sem Léo Ferré***16/07/2013 - Eventos anarquistas pelo mundo***15/07/2013 - [Grécia] Mega operação policial em Tessalônica prende dois anarquistas***15/07/2013 - 100 anos de anarquismo na Nova Zelândia celebrados hoje***14/07/2013 - [Espanha] Faixa gigante é estendida em festa de São Firmino em solidariedade com os torteiros***14/07/2013 - Entrevista: Anarquismo, Tamarod e a violência sexual no Egito***13/07/2013 - [França] Inauguração da universidade popular autogerida “Castelo no Céu”***18/02/2013 - [Brasil]Retomada da Rádio Cordel Libertário***16/02/2013 - [Egito] Anarquistas inflamam a Revolução no Egito!***15/02/2013 - [Grécia] Fábrica ocupada começa a produção sob controle operárix***15/02/2013 - [Rússia] Solidariedade com as mulheres egípcias em Moscou***15/02/2013 - [Brazil] Conferência: “Uma visão sobre o movimento punk e anarquista na cidade de São Paulo, entre 1980 à 1995”***15/02/2013 - [Brazil] Convocação da Okupa Luz de Velas São José do Rio Preto/SP***13/02/2013 - [Brazil] 13º Fevereiro Anti-Facista: Seminário "Se o Facismo está aqui vamos combatê-lo"***13/02/2013 - [Brazil] 2º Encontro por uma Educação Libertária***12/01/2013 - [Atenas -Grécia] Mais de 10.000 manifestantes em defesa das Ocupas***28/12/2011 - [Alemanha] Berlim: Ataque incendiário contra a okupa Rauch-Haus***28/12/2011 - [Brasil] Lançamento: “Élisée Reclus: Retratos de um anarquista”***27/12/2011 - Novos grupos anarquistas na Grã-Bretanha***27/12/2011 - [Espanha] Crônica da Marcha à Prisão de Morón de la Frontera, 24 de dezembro de 2011***27/12/2011 - [Turquia] Manifestação pede a libertação de punks detidos em Aceh***26/12/2011 - [Grécia] Expropriações em supermercados, guerra a patronal***26/12/2011 - [Grécia] Fontes renováveis de energia: um negócio muito rentável***23/12/2011 - Ações de solidariedade com os punks detidos na Indonésia pelo mundo***23/12/2011 - [Itália] Projeto Café Malatesta***23/12/2011 - Videoclipe: "Freedom Road", tributo a Mumia Abu-Jamal - 30 anos de luta!***22/12/2011 - Documentário: “Teenage Riot: Atenas”***22/12/2011 - [Cuba] Brigas de galo na mídia cubana***21/12/2011 - [Grécia] Fogo e Pólvora ***21/12/2011 - [EUA] “Vamos levar nosso irmão para casa e vamos lutar para derrubar este sistema”***20/12/2011 - [Espanha] Livro: “A estupidez do Nacionalismo por Lu Tao”, de Fernando Ventura***20/12/2011 - [EUA] Uma Breve História de Ficção Anarquista***19/12/2011 - [EUA] Johanna Fernandez visita Mumia Abu-Jamal na prisão Mahanoy***19/12/2011 - [Rússia] Ação direta em solidariedade com os punks detidos na Indonésia***18/12/2011 - [EUA] Mumia Abu-Jamal sai do corredor da morte e é transferido de prisão***16/12/2011 - Atenas: A primeira manifestação de desempregados na Grécia***16/12/2011 - [Espanha] A revolução árabe por vir***15/12/2011 - [Reino Unido] “Red and Black Umbrella”: um novo centro social ocupado para Cardiff***15/12/2011 - [Grécia] Tessalônica: Igreja e Polícia colocam na rua pessoas sem-teto***14/12/2011 - [Reino Unido] Relato sobre o “Protesto Mumia Abu-Jamal Livre Já” em Londres***14/12/2011 - [Indonésia] A polícia islâmica prende dezenas de punks para “reeducação”***14/12/2011 - [Espanha] Livro: Policiais, porcos, assassinos. Crônicas do dezembro grego. 2008

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quarta-feira, 22 de maio de 2024

What is an Iron Filter and Why Do I Need One for My Well Water?

An iron filter is a water treatment system specifically designed to remove excess iron from well water. If you're one of the millions of homeowners who rely on a private well for water, you've likely encountered the frustrating effects of iron. From unsightly stains on your fixtures and laundry to the unpleasant metallic taste in your drinking water, iron can wreak havoc on your home and daily life. That's where iron filters come in – they're your key to cleaner, tastier, and safer water.

Not only does iron-rich water leave unsightly stains on sinks, tubs, and toilets, but it can also damage your plumbing system over time. Iron buildup can clog pipes, reduce water pressure, and even lead to costly repairs. In addition, the metallic taste and odor of iron can make your water unpalatable, discouraging you and your family from drinking enough fluids. We'll explore the signs that indicate you need an iron filter, the various types available, and how to choose the best one for your specific needs.

The Iron Problem: Signs You Need a Filter

How can you tell if your well water needs an iron filter? Here are the telltale signs:

  1. Rusty Stains: The most obvious indicator is the presence of reddish-brown stains on your sinks, bathtubs, showers, and toilets. These stains can be difficult to remove and are a constant source of frustration. You might also notice rust-colored stains on your laundry, even after washing with detergent.

  2. Metallic Taste or Odor: Does your water taste or smell like metal? This is a common complaint among well water users and a clear sign of excess iron. Not only is this unpleasant, but it can also deter you from drinking enough water, potentially leading to dehydration.

  3. Clogged Pipes and Appliances: If you notice a decrease in water pressure or find that your appliances like water heaters and dishwashers are not working as efficiently as before, iron buildup could be the culprit. Iron particles can accumulate in pipes and appliances, causing blockages and reducing their lifespan.

  4. Red, Brown, or Yellow Water: In severe cases, you might even see discoloration in the water itself. This is a sure sign of high iron levels and requires immediate attention.

According to the Water Quality Association (WQA), a well water iron concentration of 0.3 milligrams per liter (mg/L) or more is considered problematic. A recent study by the U.S. Geological Survey found that approximately 11% of private wells in the United States exceed this threshold.

Types of Iron Filters: How They Work and Which One is Right for You

Iron filters work by either converting dissolved iron into a solid form that can be filtered out or by oxidizing the iron and then filtering it out. There are several types of iron filters available, each with its own advantages and limitations. Let's take a closer look at the most common types:

  • Oxidizing Filters: These filters use a medium, such as Birm, Greensand, or synthetic media like Pro-OX, to oxidize ferrous iron (dissolved iron) into ferric iron (solid iron). The oxidized iron then precipitates out of the water and is trapped by the filter media. Oxidizing filters are effective for treating moderate levels of iron and are relatively low maintenance.

  • Backwashing Filters: These filters use a similar process to oxidizing filters but have the added advantage of automatically or manually backwashing to remove the accumulated iron. Backwashing helps to prevent the filter media from becoming clogged, extending its lifespan. These filters are suitable for higher iron levels and offer convenience for homeowners.

  • Whole House vs. Point-of-Entry Filters: A whole-house iron filter is installed at the main water line entering your home, treating all the water used in your household. A point-of-entry filter, on the other hand, is installed at a specific point of use, such as under your kitchen sink, and only treats the water used at that location. The choice between these two depends on your specific needs and budget.

Filter Type
How it Works
Oxidizing Filter
Oxidizes iron into a solid form for filtration
Effective for moderate levels of iron, low maintenance
May not be suitable for high iron levels, requires periodic media replacement
Backwashing Filter
Oxidizes and filters iron, automatically or manually flushes out accumulated iron
Suitable for higher iron levels, longer media lifespan, convenient
Higher initial cost, more complex installation
Whole House Filter
Treats all water entering the home
Protects plumbing and appliances, improves water quality throughout the house
Higher cost, may not be necessary if iron is only a problem at specific locations
Point-of-Entry Filter
Treats water at a specific location
Lower cost, targeted treatment for drinking/cooking water
Does not protect plumbing or appliances, multiple filters may be needed for different uses Choosing the Best Iron Filter for Your Well Water

Selecting the ideal iron filter involves considering several key factors:

  1. Iron Levels: The amount of iron in your water, measured in parts per million (ppm), is the most critical factor. Higher iron concentrations require more powerful filters.

  2. Water Flow Rate: This is the amount of water that passes through your plumbing system in a given time, typically measured in gallons per minute (GPM). Your filter needs to be able to handle your household's water flow rate.

  3. Type of Iron: Iron can be present in two forms – ferrous (dissolved) and ferric (solid). Some filters are better suited for one form than the other.

  4. Budget: Iron filters vary significantly in price. Determine your budget beforehand to narrow down your options.

Before purchasing a filter, it's crucial to have your well water professionally tested. A water quality analysis will provide accurate information about the iron levels and other potential contaminants in your water, allowing you to choose the most appropriate filter.

Top-Rated Iron Filter Brands

Some of the most reputable iron filter brands include:

  • SpringWell: Known for their whole-house air injection oxidizing filters, SpringWell offers efficient and reliable iron removal solutions for various well water conditions.

  • SoftPro: SoftPro Water systems utilize a multi-stage filtration process that removes not only iron but also other contaminants like manganese and sulfur.

  • Culligan: With a long history in water treatment, Culligan offers a wide range of iron filters, including options for both residential and commercial applications.

  • Hellenbrand: Hellenbrand specializes in innovative iron filtration technologies, such as their patented Iron Curtain system, which combines ozone and air injection for superior performance.

  • American Water Technologies: This company offers a variety of iron filters, including models specifically designed for iron bacteria and sulfur bacteria.

Installing and Maintaining Your Iron Filter

The complexity of iron filter installation depends on the type of system you choose. While some point-of-entry filters can be installed by homeowners with basic DIY skills, whole-house systems often require professional installation due to their connection to the main water line.

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your iron filter functioning optimally. This includes:

  • Backwashing: If you have a backwashing filter, follow the manufacturer's instructions for how often to initiate the backwashing cycle. This process flushes out the accumulated iron and other debris from the filter media.

  • Filter Media Replacement: The filter media in your iron filter will eventually become saturated and need to be replaced. The lifespan of the media depends on the type of filter and the iron levels in your water.

  • Troubleshooting: If you notice issues like low water pressure, leaks, or changes in water quality, consult the manufacturer's troubleshooting guide or contact a professional for assistance.

Beyond Iron: Other Well Water Concerns

While iron is a common issue in well water, it's not the only one. Other contaminants that may be present include:

  • Hard Water: This is caused by high levels of calcium and magnesium, which can lead to soap scum, scale buildup, and dry skin and hair. A water softener can be used in conjunction with an iron filter to address this problem.

  • pH Levels: Low pH (acidic) water can corrode pipes and fixtures. An acid neutralizer can raise the pH level to a safe range.

  • Bacteria and Other Contaminants: Depending on your location and well conditions, your water may contain bacteria, nitrates, arsenic, or other harmful substances. Additional filtration systems or treatments may be necessary to ensure your water is safe for consumption.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How often should I change my iron filter media? The frequency of media replacement depends on the type of filter and the amount of iron in your water. Consult your manufacturer's recommendations for specific guidelines. Generally, Birm media may need replacement every 3-5 years, while Greensand may last 5-10 years.

  • Can I use an iron filter with city water? Iron filters are designed for well water, which typically has higher iron levels than city water. However, if your city water has a noticeable iron problem, a point-of-entry filter might be beneficial for drinking and cooking water.

  • Does an iron filter remove bacteria? No, standard iron filters are not designed to remove bacteria. If you have concerns about bacterial contamination in your well water, a UV disinfection system is often recommended.
  • How much does an iron filter cost? The price of an iron filter varies depending on the type of filter, brand, size, and features. Point-of-entry filters typically range from $100 to $500, while whole-house systems can cost anywhere from $500 to $3000 or more. Professional installation costs should also be factored in.

Choosing the right iron filter for your well water is an investment in the health and comfort of your family. By understanding the types of filters available, considering your specific water conditions, and investing in a reputable brand, you can enjoy cleaner, tastier, and safer water for years to come.

Remember, professional water testing is crucial for accurate iron level assessment and determining the most suitable filtration system for your home. With the right iron filter, you can say goodbye to rusty stains, metallic tastes, and plumbing woes, and enjoy the many benefits of clean, refreshing well water.

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